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Bible News: Why Stay Here Until We Die?


‘Now there were four men with leprosy at the entrance of the city gate. They said to each other, “Why stay here until we die?”‘ – 2 Kings 7:3

moving forward

Anyone that has stopped experiencing a form of movement is either dead or has started dying, this is why movement is important.

More important is moving forward.  You can be moving in retrogression or just stalk in a position and be experiencing minimal movement but the movement that speaks of life in abundance is moving forward.

Jesus promised us that He will give us life in abundance but you have to be willing to take the life.  Willing to take the life means giving up the life you have to gain the life of Christ.  This means that you must realize that the life you live can only progress in the right direction if Christ is in it.

Many people are frustrated about where they are,  they want to move forward but do not know what to do,  Jesus said,  I am the way (John 14:6). You may not know the way but He does.

Others know the way but they have become complacent and comfortable in the place where they are.  I want to tell you that where you are may be comfortable now because it seems you have everything you need there but if you do not start to move forward, it won’t be long before one start to rot in the same position. The danger of not moving forward is that one begin to die in that position.  One cannot remain in a place and not begin to deteriorate because the world will not stop for you. That’s why the Bible made it clear that as we look to Jesus, we go from one level of glory to the next (2 Cor. 3:18).

The leprous men in 2 Kings 7:3 understood this very well.  They were dying of hunger where they were and thought to themselves that staying in the same position is a far worst death than moving into the camp of the Syrian so they decided to move forward.  As God would have it,  the prophet of God had already given the prophecy of abundance and the risk the leprous men took was the same thing that saved the whole country from starvation.

Jesus said if you try to save your life you will lose it but if you lose your life for the sake of the Kingdom,  you will preserve it (Luke 17:33).  No one said moving forward is the most comfortable thing to do but it’s the most alive thing to do!  I prophecy upon you today you are moving forward!

— Written by Alex Amos



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