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Bible News: The Critics, Professional & Social Christians


I’m really not trying to prove a point to anyone with my Christian walk. The truth is when God started the work of conversion, most of the people critically observing my walk with God today were not there… they wouldn’t have even given me a second look because if you can be so critical of a believer, what will you do with an unbeliever?

I don’t like to argue scriptures, I don’t indulge extra-biblical principles, I don’t post pictures of my ‘secret place’ on social media, I’m the last to comment on controversial issues on Christianity. I pray for those who are falling, in pains or who just needs an encouragement and I don’t necessarily have to let the person or the whole world know.

I think most of us these days are becoming Professional Christians. We know all the principles and the structural application to applying them. We have become so consumed with showcasing our “Christianity” that we have crossed the line and become so narcissistic. We are high rankers of the vanity club yet we find a way to curl verses around our vein glory as we make a show of ourselves.

Some have sold their birthright for as low as a social media picture, post, an argument or a comment but the thing about these professionals is that spiritual maturity makes you more childlike, not childish. Moreso, there is no structural application in the word of God saved for what Jesus did on the cross and the narrow way that still leads to God. Other than that, don’t be surprise when you have your perfect plan and you are ready to execute it but God disrupt it for His own plan.

A child loves unconditionally, a child is definitely not critical of the other person, a child is willing and eager to learn, a child trust no matter what and will follow who he trust without question. More importantly Jesus said,  ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’

So if maturity in God makes me feel puffed up in my experience and walk so much that it becomes a show, please let me be a child! Yes, I want to grow and increase in the knowledge of God but I have come to realize that the more I grow, the more sober I am becoming. I just want to be a vessel that God pours His spirit into and as I let God use me, I just want to return all the glory to Him because without Him, I can do nothing.

So this is my disclaimer. I am not a Professional Christian. I don’t always have it figured out but the Spirit in me does. I am just a vessel always prepping for what the master will say or do, then I follow suit. I am always panting and eager for the outpouring of the spirit of God because without Him, I can do nothing. It is not a matter of showoff, It is not about proofing a point, it is just who I am. I don’t have to make a show of it but I bet you cannot spend a minute with me and in that 60 seconds not realize that I come with Jesus.

Jesus gave them this answer: ‘Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.  For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed'”. – John 5:19-20


About Alex Amos

Alex jpgAlex Amos is a Creative Writer and Team Head at Lexyville Entertainment, publishers of SelahAfrik. He is a publicist for Christian personalities including Wole Oni, Wilson Joel, Glowreeyah Braimah, Ada, Chris Shalom and more. Alex is an Assistant Pastor, serving in Heaven on Earth Ministries.


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