Home Bible News Bible News: The ‘5 Loaves & 2 Fishes’ Situation | By @Its_Blerisa

Bible News: The ‘5 Loaves & 2 Fishes’ Situation | By @Its_Blerisa


“When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat… Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up,  “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” — John 6:5-9

five loavesSo my pastor explained something from John 6.

Jesus saw the multitude and felt sorry for them, he knew they were hungry so he asked the crowd for someone who had a little food to spare.

No one answered, save the young boy with the 5 loaves of bread and two fishes… Could he have actually been the only one who had food in a multitude of over 5000? That’s highly unlikely!

The point is, he gave his share without hoping for something in return (I am sure he thought Jesus wanted to eat it) and to imagine what happened next. (The boy gathered 12 baskets full after 5000 people have eaten). If he hadn’t given, he would have practically hindered that miracle of provision from happening.

So guys, in that situation that looks like 1000 bucks wouldn’t even change anything even if you gave it… give it first! You might never know what that 1000 bucks would do. Give to that sister that you noticed doesn’t dress well to church, or that brother who you noticed his jacket was faded. Don’t just look at the problem, help!! We are believers and we have God’s love on our inside!! Walk in love!!


About Blerisa


Blerisa, whose full name is Blessing Manafa, is a young singer and song writer. She started singing at the age of 5 and since then led worship songs till date. She is 20 years old and has a strong passion for music, singing and song-writing. Her aspiration is to sing and write songs that inspire people, especially youngsters like herself to do positive things. She is also the winner of the ‘GREEN HUNT’ singing talent competition 2014 (maiden edition) organised by Greenland Music Production. Blerisa believes that her music is her medium reaching out to, helping and inspiring people. She is a student of Yaba College of Technology, studying Statistics. Her singles include ‘I Give My Heart” and “Praise the Lord”.


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