Home Bible News Bible News: Abraham’s Trauma – The Battle Of The Mind

Bible News: Abraham’s Trauma – The Battle Of The Mind


‘He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”’ – Genesis 22:5 NIV

Abraham did not have a child till he was old and well striken of age. God had given him a promise and he struggled to believe and be fully persuaded at first; this may have been while the promise delayed – all the time he spent believing Eliazer could be his heir and also,  the time he and his wife tried to help God using their maid. 
When Abraham finally believed and became fully persuaded, he believed against hope and his belief cause him to give thanks to God while the promise was yet to be fulfilled

The promised child finally came and all seemed to be going great till one day God asked for the child as a sacrifice. 

The Bible did not record the state of mind of Abraham but it did say he rose up early in the morning,  took the boy and servants,  saddled a donkey and went on his way to sacrifice the boy. 
Would he have been devastated? What do you think? That was his only son! If he sacrifice him,  he probably wouldn’t be able to gather another child because of his age and that of his wife. However Abraham obeyed.

Trusting in God most times does not mean you will get what you want but that God will get what He wants. The situation you are going through at the moment,  there is a way you will rather want it to pan out but if you want God to help out,  then,  you will have to let Him have His way. 

Abraham did not know what the outcome of the sacrifice would mean for him but he knew what God promised him and I am certain,  the same state of persuasion which his mind knew before the child was born,  would have been the same that made him have the confidence that even of he sacrificed this child,  God who gave the child and the promise knows what to do to bring the child back even if it was almost inconceivable to the human understanding. 

Faith in God does not stop when you get the result of what you prayed for. Neither does it mean you will always have your way. Faith in God continues even after you have the result, because if faith birthed it,  it’s faith that will keep it and for faith to have its perfect work so that you will be complete,  you have to surrender your will for God to have his way in the situation. 

The same faith that brought Abraham the promises child,  is the same that kept him on the day of the sacrifice. Abraham allowed God’s will and realised that if you allowed Him,  He will work it out for your good. 

Abraham said to his servants. “The boy and I will go up and Worship God and then we will come back to you. ” He didn’t know how God was going to do it but he knew He was going to do it and yes, Abraham returned with the boy! 

About Alex Amos

Alex jpgAlex Amos is a Creative Writer and Team Head at Lexyville Entertainment, publishers of SelahAfrik. He is a publicist for Christian personalities including Wole Oni, Wilson Joel, Glowreeyah Braimah, Ada, Chris Shalom and more. Alex is an Assistant Pastor, serving in Heaven on Earth Ministries.



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