Home News & Events “The Church May Not Be Same Post COVID-19” – Pastor Sam Adeyemi

“The Church May Not Be Same Post COVID-19” – Pastor Sam Adeyemi


– “The Church May Not Be The Same Again After This COVID-19” Pastor Sam Adeyemi

"The Church May Not Be The Same Again After This COVID-19" Pastor Sam Adeyemi

Senior Pastor of Daystar Christian Centre Lagos, Pastor Sam Adeyemi believes churches might not remain the same again after COVID-19 pandemic.

The man of God in an interview with BBC Yoruba earlier this week stated that churches with huge members may see a smaller congregation, as most people will now prefer to stream services from home.

In his words, he said: “That’s an issue I have pondered upon severally because the church may not be the same again after this COVID-19 experience. As you can see, many people have been receiving messages via online broadcast from their homes. It’s no longer like before that they have to be physically present in churches,” he said.

“Now that many have been used to worshiping God from the comfort of their rooms, will they go to church when COVID-19 is finally over? Many Christians may also feel relaxed on Sundays when they usually go to church.”

Pastor Sam Adeyemi also believes that some Christians might also began to question there faith in both the religion and their church due to the way some pastors and churches reacted to the pandemic.

“Also, many Christians have start questioning the genuineness of their churches for them with little or no help coming their way during the pandemic period when hunger is holding sway,” he stated.

The cleric said the pandemic should teach church leaders and those occupying political offices that there is need to show humanity to one another if truly Nigeria hopes to grow.


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