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New Docu-Series Attempts To Untangle Ancient Mystery: Do Giant Offspring – Nephilims – Still Exist Today?

The Ancient Giants Nephilim

– Do Nephilim Giants Still Exist?: Docu-Series Untangles Mystery

In ancient times, there were stories about giant offspring called Nephilim. These beings were said to be born when angels and human women had children together. While some people think these stories are just old tales, others believe that the descendants of these giants may still be alive today. This idea has sparked a debate among researchers and enthusiasts.

The stories of Nephilim giants came from ancient myths and religious texts. One well-known mention is in the Bible’s Book of Genesis (Genesis 6:4). It tells of “sons of God” coming to Earth and having children with “daughters of men,” which resulted to the birthing of powerful beings called the Nephilim. These stories have made people wonder if the bloodline of these ancient giants continues to exist.

While many consider the stories of Nephilim giants to be symbolic, some people have alternative theories. They suggest that these giants were real and that their offspring may have survived over time by mixing with human populations. These offspring would have inherited unique traits from their giant ancestors.

Supporters of the theory point to alleged discoveries and strange findings as possible evidence of the Nephilim’s existence. These include finding unusually large skeletons and ancient structures that don’t fit the usual explanations. However, it’s important to note that this evidence is controversial and can be interpreted in different ways. Questioners think that these findings might be due to misidentification or natural variations in human bodies.

A soon-to-be-released docu-series will present a rare and researched look at one of the most perplexing Biblical topics: Nephilim (giants).

Produced by The Inspiration Networks, a faith-based family entertainment network, “Angels & Giants, The Watchers & Nephilim” presents four one-hour segments that are a serious investigation into the theories behind the Biblical giants. The docu-series begins in the Golan Heights in Israel.

Rudy Landa, a senior producer and director at The Inspiration Networks and company CEO David Cerullo decided to make the film three years ago, their enthusiasm for the subject fueled by their love of the Bible.

Landa search brought him to Gilgal Refaim (Wheel of the Giants), an enigmatic rock formation in the Golan. From the ground, it appears as random piles of rocks. But from above it is quite impressive, revealing itself to be five concentric rings with the outer ring measuring more than 500 feet wide. At its center is a mound of loose stones over 65 feet in diameter and over 16 feet tall, covering a central chamber carved into solid rock. Archaeologists generally place the beginning of the construction as early as 3500 BCE. The purpose of Gilgal Refaim is still a mystery and the focus of scholarly debate.

“There are theories that claim that Og was buried at Gilgal Refaim,” Landa said.

According to the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim were banished from heaven and sent to earth at Mount Hermon. The region, known as the Bashan, is where Og the king came out against the Israelites at the time of their entrance into the Promised Land.

Do Nephilim Giants Still Exist?: Docu-Series Untangles Mystery – Watch trailer of “Angels & Giants, The Watchers & Nephilim”:

Do Nephilim giants still exist? Mainstream scholars and researchers have different explanations for the ancient stories and supposed evidence. They believe that the stories of Nephilim giants might have come from people’s fascination with extraordinary physical abilities or attempts to explain unusual events in history. They point out that there is a lack of scientific proof and that cultural discrimination may have influenced the interpretation of ancient texts and artifacts.

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The question of whether the bloodline of Nephilim giants still exists today remains a topic of debate and exploration. Some people continue to look for concrete evidence to support their claims, while others see the stories as symbolic and focus on their impact on human culture and imagination.

The existence of Nephilim giants and their possible descendants is a fascinating subject that mixes ancient myths, texts, and modern beliefs. While we don’t have a definite answer about their presence in today’s world, the stories of Nephilim giants continue to captivate us and remind us of the enduring power of ancient legends and the mysteries of history.


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