“The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” So Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.'”

– 1Kings 18:44

elijahI’m so fascinated by Elijah’s life. Elijah was a very powerful prayer warrior even though he stumbled because of fear at certain a time but God was there to uphold him.

My friends, I will like you to know that your best days are here though it does not look like it at present but if you will hold on a little, things will turn around suddenly… these are Kairos moments!

There are some lessons from the life of Elijah I will like to emphasize. These lessons are the process the manifestation of your expectation passes through, yes the plot may be different but for everyone, the story is the same.

1. 1Kings 18:41: Elijah gave Ahab a word of prophesy about the coming rain of abundance. One way or the other, God’s word of good tidings has come out to you but you are not suppose to just sit down and relax in expectation, you are suppose to wait in faith.

2. 1Kings 18:42: This verse made us understand that even Ahab with all his wrongs had faith.  Elijah gave him a word of prophesy and he acted in accordance to the word that came out to him. Elijah on the other hand went up to the mountain, bowed his head down on the earth with his face between his knees. What a way to shut the world out! He knew he had to force God’s hand into the situation so he consecrated himself and shut off the world so that he can pray like never before. You have to be both Ahab and Elijah to bring God’s hands into the situation. You have to act in expectation and also, be ready to pray like your world depends on it… but seriously, your world depends on it!

3. 1Kings 18: 43: Elijah said to his servant to go and look out for the result of the prayer. It was recorded that the servant went up 7 times. Do you realize that those 7 times was not specified? It could have been 7 days, months, weeks but Elijah did not stop praying and believing God for rain. Continue to pray!

4. 1Kings 18:44: At the 7th time, there was a small cloud like a man’s hand. whoop! that was all Elijah needed, he sprung into action, I bet his servant would not have landed before he jumped up and ran to Ahab. He must have said “What are you still doing here? you better run because there is going to be a massive rain any minute from now!” People must have seen the small cloud but because there hasn’t been a rain in the land for 3 years, they must have thought; “It’s nothing, that was how we saw a small cloud last week but it didn’t rain.” But this was no ordinary cloud, it was the hand of God in the situation and Elijah recognized it too well.

When your Kairos moment come and God suddenly step into the situation, do not take light the signs that God will start with. You need to act in accordance so that you do not miss your day of visitation. Imagine if Blind Bartimaeus had kept quiet when Jesus walked pass him. He recognized it was a miracle that Jesus, the God in man’s flesh was walking pass his street and no, there ain’t no stopping him. He shouted like he has never done before and got Jesus’ attention. Follow the signs to the promise!

5. 1Kings 45&46: Here we are made to see the complete manifestation that came through Elijah’s fervent prayer and even the ‘much more’ that followed. I like the definition people gave to “P.U.S.H” – Pray Until Something Happen. If you will just live by this simple rule and stay committed, no matter the weather, trust God on it friend, something (good) will definitely happen. Praise be to God!

Thank you for reading, have you been blessed? please share with us by liking and commenting. Stay blessed!


  1. I googled this scripture because I just told a friend that I had been forgiven a debt which I consider the cloud that Elijah’s servant saw; yours was the article I chose to explore. I must say I am very encouraged. I have even copied it to add it to my victory resources into 2022
    Well done and more blessings to you.


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