” Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. ”
-Jude 1:21
So many believers have turned prophets of doom forgetting that we are justified by grace and not by works. They have taken on the message of condemnation and judgment without watering it with the message of grace.
The bible says all have sinned and come short of God’s glory so if works can save any man, who will stand? This I know too well because I spent years battling sin and addictions till the overwhelming love of God was shed broadly in my life and in such a swift transition, I dumped the things I have spent over 9 years trying to quit! All because someone showed me God’s undying love.
That’s what the message of love can do. Selwyn Hughes’ Everyday With Jesus: A Fresh Look At The Cross in one of the message talked about Han Egede, a missionary to Greenland in 1722 who taught law and judgment of God. He said “we must prepare this poor degraded people before they can be christians” that there is no point exposing them to the gospel of grace if their mind is not reformed. Selwyn recorded that at the end of his ministry in Greenland in 1736, he was quoted that “I have spent my labour for nought!”
John Beck who took over from him taught the people about God’s love. He told them that despite their sin, God loved them. A wild chieftain of one of the tribe asked him:
“You mean to tell me your God loves me? Our God do not love, they hate us and try to kill us”
John Beck exposed him to the love of God until his heart melted and he became a Christian. It was recorded that this chief led so many of his tribe to Christ.
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